
rework is a distributed execution system for the execution of tasks that can belong to independant python environments and code bases, even hosted on different computers.

The only constraint is that postgres must be accessible from all nodes of a given rework installation.

Rework might interest people who:

  • want Postgres (and only Postgres) as a Task Queue Manager, Input/Output store and task log store

  • have Python long-running tasks to run, with the ability to preemptively kill tasks

  • want a tiny, self-contained tool with great functional test abilities (writing tests for tasks is easy)

Rework provides a rich command line utility to diagnose the state of the system.



To use it properly one has to understand the following concepts:

operation A python function decorated with the task

decorator. The function has a single task parameter that allows to communicate with the system (for the purposes of input and output management, and log capture). It is defined within a domain and on a specific host.

task A concrete execution of an operation. Also, name of the

decorator that indicates an operation. The task can indicate its state and be aborted if needed. It can provide access to the captured logs, input and output.

worker A python process spawned by a monitor, that will

execute tasks. It is always associated with a domain on a specific host.

domain A label associated with operations, tasks and

workers, which can be used to map operations to virtual environments or just help organize a logical separation of operations (and the associated pools of workers).

monitor A python process which is responsible for the management

of workers (start, stop and abort), whose precise amount is configurable, within a domain.

They will be illustrated further in the documentation.


$ pip install rework

Quick start

Let’s have a look at a simple example.

We need to set up a database first, which we’ll name jobstore.

$ createdb jobstore

Rework will install its tables into its own namespace schema, so you can use either a dedicated database (like we’re doing right now) or an exising one, with little risk of conflict.

Now we must set up the rework schema:

rework init-db postgres://babar:password@localhost/jobstore

This being done, we can start writing our first task:

 from rework import api
 from sqlalchemy import create_engine

 def my_first_task(task):
     with task.capturelogs(std=True):
         print('I am running')
         somevalue = task.input * 2
         print('I am done')

 def main(uri):
     engine = create_engine(
     # now, schedule tasks
     t1 = api.schedule(engine, 'my_first_task', 'hello')
     t2 = api.schedule(engine, 'my_first_task', 100)

     # wait til they are completed

     assert t1.output == 'hellohello'
     assert t2.output == 200

if __name__ == '__main__':

Here we have defined a dummy task that will print a bunch of sentences, double the input value and save a result back.

This has to be put into a python module, e.g.

At this point, the rework system knows nothing of the task. We must register it, as follows:

$ rework register-operations postgres://babar:password@localhost/jobstore
registered 1 new operation (0 already known)

From this point, we can check it is indeed registered:

$ rework list-operations postgres://babar:password@localhost/jobstore
1 host(1) ```` path(my_first_task)

Now, let’s execute our script:

$ python

It will start and hang indefinitely on the first join call. Indeed we are missing an important step: providing workers that will execute the tasks.

This should be made in a separate shell, since it is a blocking operation:

$ rework monitor postgres://babar:password@localhost/jobstore

Then, the script will quickly terminate, as both tasks have been executed.

Congratulations ! You juste fired your first tasks. We can finish this chapter with a few command line goodies.

First we’ll want to know about the existing tasks:

$ rework list-tasks postgres://babar:password@localhost/jobstore
1 my_first_task done [2018-11-28 16:07:51.672672+01]  [2018-11-28 16:08:27.974392+01]  [2018-11-28 16:08:27.985432+01]
2 my_first_task done [2018-11-28 16:07:51.676981+01]  [2018-11-28 16:08:27.974642+01]  [2018-11-28 16:08:27.985502+01]

It is possible to monitor the output of a given task:

$ rework log-task postgres://babar:password@localhost/jobstore 1
stdout:INFO: 2018-11-28 16:08:27: I am running
stdout:INFO: 2018-11-28 16:08:27: I am done

The last argument 1 is the task identifier as was shown by the list-tasks command.

Notice how we capture the standard output (print calls) using the task.capturelogs context manager. This is completely optional of course but quite handy. The line shown above actually capture standard output, standard error and all logs. It accepts a level parameter, like e.g. capturelogs(level=logging.INFO).

Lastly, list-workers will show the currently running workers:

$ rework list-workers postgres://babar:password@localhost/jobstore
1 4124@ 43 Mb [running (idle)] [2018-11-28 16:08:27.438491+01]  [2018-11-28 15:08:27.967432+01]
2 4125@ 43 Mb [running (idle)] [2018-11-28 16:08:27.442869+01]  [2018-11-28 15:08:27.967397+01]

It is now possible to stop the monitor on its separate console, with a plain ctrl-c.

After this, list-workers will provide an updated status:

$ rework list-workers postgres://aurelien:aurelien@localhost/rework
1 4124@ 43 Mb [dead] [2018-11-28 16:08:27.438491+01]  [2018-11-28 15:08:27.967432+01]  [2018-11-28 16:11:09.668587+01] monitor exit
2 4125@ 43 Mb [dead] [2018-11-28 16:08:27.442869+01]  [2018-11-28 15:08:27.967397+01]  [2018-11-28 16:11:09.668587+01] monitor exit

Specifying inputs

Having a formal declaration of the task input can help validate them and also, in rework_ui it will provide an interactive web form allowing subsequent launches of the task.

from rework import api, io

    io.file('myfile.txt', required=True),
    io.string('name', required=True),
    io.string('option', choices=('foo', 'bar')),
def compute_things(task):
    inp = task.input
    assert 'name' in inp

… and then, later:

task = api.schedule(
    engine, 'compute_things',
    {'myfile.txt': b'file contents',
     'birthdate': datetime(1973, 5, 20, 9),
     'name': 'Babar',
     'weight': 65,
     'horizon': '(shifted (today) #:days 7)'

assert task.input == {
    'myfile.txt': b'file contents',
    'birthdate': datetime(1973, 5, 20, 9),
    'name': 'Babar',
    'weight': 65,
    'horizon': datetime(2021, 1, 7)

Specifying outputs

As for the inputs, and for the same reasons, we can provide a spec for the outputs.

from rework import api, io

def compute_things(task):
        'name': 'Babar',
        'birthdate': datetime(1931, 1, 1)

And this will of course be fetched from the other side:

t = api.schedule(engine, 'compute_things')
assert t.output == {
    'name': 'Babar',
    'birthdate': datetime(1931, 1, 1)


While the base api provides a schedule call that schedules a task for immediate execution, there is also a prepare call that allows to define the exact moment the task ought to be executed, using a crontab like notation.


    {'myfile.txt': b'file contents',
    'birthdate': datetime(1973, 5, 20, 9),
    'name': 'Babar',
    'weight': 65
    rule='0 15 8,12 * * *'

This would schedule the task every day at 8:15 and 12:15. The extended crontab notation also features a field for seconds (in first position).


If you need to debug some task, the standard advice is:

  • write your task content in plain functions and have them unit-tested with e.g. pytest

def my_fancy_task(task):
  • you can also you use print-based logging as shown there:

def my_fancy_task(task):
    with task.capturelogs(std=True):
        # do stuff
        print('done', result)
  • finally, it may happen that a task is “stuck” because of a deadlock, and in this case, starting the monitor with --debug-port will help:

$ pip install pystuck
$ rework monitor postgres://babar:password@localhost:5432/jobstore --debug-port=666

Then launching pystuck (possibly from another machine) is done as such:

$ pystuck -h <host> -p 666

Organize tasks in code

A common pattern is to have a project/ module.

One can manage the tasks using the register-operations and unregister-operation commands.

$ rework register-operations <dburi> /path/to/project/

and also

rework unregister-operation <dburi> <opname>
delete <opname> <domain> /path/to/project/ <hostid>
really remove those [y/n]? [y/N]: y

This pair of operations can be used also whenever a task input or output specifications have changed.

API overview

The api module exposes most if what is needed. The task module and task objects provide the rest.

api module

Four functions are provided: the task decorator, the freeze_operations, schedule, prepare and unprepare functions.

Defining tasks is done using the task decorator:

from rework.api import task

def my_task(task):

It is also possible to specify a non-default domain:

def my_scraper(task):

A timeout parameter is also available:

from datetime import timedelta

def my_time_limited_task(task):

To make the tasks available for use, they must be recorded within the database referential. We use freeze_operations for this:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from rework.api import freeze_operations

engine = create_engine('postgres://babar:password@localhost:5432/jobstore')

Finally, one can schedule tasks as such:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from rework.api import schedule

engine = create_engine('postgres://babar:password@localhost:5432/jobstore')

# immediate executionn (the task will be queued)
task = api.schedule(engine, 'my_task', 42)

# execution every five minutes (the task will be queued at the
# specified moments)
api.prepare(engine, 'my_task', 42, rule='0 */5 * * * *')

The schedule function wants these mandatory parameters:

  • engine: sqlalchemy engine

  • operation: string

  • inputdata: any python picklable object (if no input specification is provided, else the input formalism provides ways for numbers, strings, dates and files)

It also accepts two more options:

  • domain: a domain identifier (for cases when the same service is available under several domains and you want to force one)

  • hostid: an host identifier (e.g. ‘’)

  • metadata: a json-serializable dictionary (e.g. {‘user’: ‘Babar’})

The prepare function takes the same parameters as schedule plus a rule option using crontab notation with seconds in first position.

Task objects

Task objects can be obtained from the schedule api call (as seen in the previous example) or through the task module.

from task import Task

task = task.byid(engine, 42)

The task object provides:

  • .state attribute to describe the task state (amongst: queued, running, aborting, aborted, failed, done)

  • .join() method to wait synchronously for the task completion

  • .capturelogs(sync=True, level=logging.NOTSET, std=False) method to record matching logs into the db (sync controls whether the logs are written synchronously, level specifies the capture level, std permits to also record prints as logs)

  • .input attribute to get the task input (yields any object)

  • .save_output(<obj>) method to store any object

  • .abort() method to preemptively stop the task

  • .log(fromid=None) method to retrieve the task logs (all or from a given log id)

Command line


If you read the previous chapter, you already know the init-db and monitor commands.

The rework command, if typed without subcommand, shows its usage:

$ rework
Usage: rework [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  abort-task            immediately abort the given task
  init-db               initialize the database schema for rework in its...
  kill-worker           ask to preemptively kill a given worker to its...
  list-scheduled        list the prepared operations with their cron rule
  monitor               start a monitor controlling min/max workers
  new-worker            spawn a new worker -- this is a purely *internal*...
  register-operations   register operations from a python module...
  scheduled-plan        show what operation will be executed at which...
  shutdown-worker       ask a worker to shut down as soon as it becomes idle
  unprepare             remove a scheduling plan given its id
  unregister-operation  unregister an operation (or several) using its...
  vacuum                delete non-runing workers or finished tasks

Of those commands, new-worker is for purely internal purposes, and unless you know what you’re doing, you should never use it.

One can list the tasks:

rework list-tasks postgres://babar:password@localhost:5432/jobstore
1 my_first_task done [2017-09-13 17:08:48.306970+02]
2 my_first_task done [2017-09-13 17:08:48.416770+02]

It is possible to monitor the output of a given task:

$ rework log-task postgres://babar:password@localhost:5432/jobstore 1
stdout:INFO: 2017-09-13 17:08:49: I am running
stdout:INFO: 2017-09-13 17:08:49: I am done

The last argument 1 is the task identifier as was shown by the list-tasks command.

Notice how we capture the standard output (print calls) using the task.capturelogs context manager. This is completely optional of course but quite handy. The line shown above actually capture standard output, standard error and all logs. It accepts a level parameter, like e.g. capturelogs(level=logging.INFO).

Lastly, list-workers will show the currently running workers:

$ rework list-workers postgres://babar:password@localhost:5432/jobstore
1 4889896@ 30 Mb [running]
2 4889748@ 30 Mb [running]


It is possible to augment the rework command with new subcommands (or augment, modify existing commands).

Any program doing so must define a new command and declare a setup tools entry point named rework:subcommand as in e.g.:

entry_points={'rework.subcommands': [

For instance, the [rework_ui][reworkui] python package provides such a view subcommand to launch a monitoring webapp for a given rework job store. ..